The immersion of students in the school environment impacted by digital technologies, available on mobile devices, presents a significant increase due to the ease of communication and the possibility to remain informed and connected. The objective is to design as an investigative resource the students' behavior and understanding of State Law no. 18.118 / 2014 with a diagnosis that explores the usability of mobile devices in the school environment. The subjects studied are students of two classes of the third year of high school morning of a state public school in Curitiba PR. When considering educational practices, this article discusses the inhibitory nature of the usability of mobile devices in the school environment set forth in this law. The epistemological foundation will be Vygotsky's theory of mediation (2000; 2004). The diagnosis will be through the methodology classified as the objectives in an exploratory-descriptive way with qualitative-quantitative nature seen as complementary. The choice of the object of study benefits from the technique of data collection through the questionnaire in Google with online forms, by observation and bibliographic research. It will be classified as data analysis and content analysis technique with descriptive statistics to analyze the connection of students with the use of mobile devices integrated in the school environment and with learning beyond school walls. The results indicated the involvement of the students, and, in this context, it is indicated that the subjects investigated are understood by the students and practiced by them, dynamizing the school routine of the high school. The usability of mobile devices in the construction of knowledge requires a more in-depth discussion about their effectiveness, as well as making compatible the possibilities of these technologies that become instruments in pedagogical and didactic application.
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