Abstract. Object Re-Identification (ReID) is the task of matching a given object in the new environment with its image captured in a different environment. The input for a ReID method includes two sets of images. The probe set includes one or more images of the object that must be identified in the new environment. The gallery set includes images that may contain the object from the probe image. The ReID task’s complexity arises from the differences in the object appearance in the probe and gallery sets. Such difference may originate from changes in illumination or viewpoint locations for multiple cameras that capture images in the probe and gallery sets. This paper focuses on developing a deep learning ThermalReID framework for cross-modality object ReID in thermal images. Our framework aims to provide continuous object detection and re-identification while monitoring a region from a UAV. Given an input probe image captured in the visible range, our ThermalReID framework detects objects in a thermal image and performs the ReID. We evaluate our ThermalReID framework and modern baselines using various metrics. We use the IoU and mAP metrics for the object detection task. We use the cumulative matching characteristic (CMC) curves and normalized area-under-curve (nAUC) for the ReID task. The evaluation demonstrated encouraging results and proved that our ThermalReID framework outperforms existing baselines in the ReID accuracy. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the fusion of the semantic data with the input thermal gallery image increases the object detection and localization scores. We developed the ThermalReID framework for cross-modality object re-identification. We evaluated our framework and two modern baselines on the task of object ReID for four object classes. Our framework successfully performs object ReID in the thermal gallery image from the color probe image. The evaluation using real and synthetic data demonstrated that our ThermalReID framework increases the ReID accuracy compared to modern ReID baselines.
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