Field experiments was conducted at the Horticultural Section of Kabba College of Agriculture, in Kabba, Kogi state, Nigeria in 2021 and 2022 seasons. The experiment was laid out in a 6 x 2 factorial in a randomized complete block deign (RCBD). The two factors evaluated were erosion control method and cultivar of onion planted. The erosion control method used were A1= plough + harrow + ridge (P+H+R) (conventional method), A2 =Plough + Harrow twice + plastic polyethylene(sheet cover) (P + H2+ PS), A3 = Plough + Harrow + mulches (P+H+MS), A4 = plough + Harrow twice with raise edges (P+H+RE),A5 = Strip cultivation of onion and cowpea (Strip) and A6 = Use of herbicide (Herb). The varieties of onion used were B1 = Red creole (red) and B2 = white creole (white). Data collection on agronomic parameters includes plant height (cm), number of leaves per plant, crop growth rate and onion yield. Soil physical properties observed were soil bulk density, soil moisture content and soil porosity. From the result of the experiment, plots with mulch materials either polyethylene or grass was better than non- mulch plots. However, erosion control method Plough + Harrow + mulches (A3) gave the highest onion yield (8.67 t/ha). Also, variety B2 gave a yield of 8.78 t/ha better than variety B1. For Optimum production of onion, farmers should grow variety B2 and control soil erosion using erosion control Plough + Harrow + mulches.
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