Objective: analyse area and production, to examine the production, cost performance and socio-economic problems of banana cultivation in Wayanad district in Kerala. Methods/statistical analysis: This study relies completely primary information obtained from the banana cultivators from the selected study area. The research design of the present study included in selection of study areas, selection of sample farmers, collection of data, analysis of data and presenting findings selection of study area purposive sampling procedure was followed for the selection of the study area. First the data of Krishi bhavan under all four blocks of Wayanad were selected, through Krishi bhavan officers, information about banana cultivators was selected. Then 100 farmers were randomly selected from among them. Findings: From the income analysis it seen that majority of the cultivators are earn 1lakh to 3 lakhs. Nendran variety is more profitable than other varieties followed by robusta variety. Among the main problem faced by the banana cultivators most of the respondents are reported natural calamities are main reason. high cost of production is the second most problem faced by banana cultivators. Many of those who had previously taken crop insurance are not now willing to take insurance because of the amount due is not received on time. When the price of bananas falls, farmers incur higher costs to get them to VFPCK stores to get the support price given by the government. Application/improvement: It is suggested that casuarina may be planted around the banana’s place of cultivation as a windbreaker to save the banana plants from lodging due to heavy wind. The banks and co-operatives should make necessary arrangements to increase the loan amount to meet the requirement of the cultivators. set up more VFPCK stores where banana farmers can easily access them.
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