Hemerocallis hongdoensis, a new species of section Fulvae, is described. Hemerocallis hongdoensis occurs in rocky and humus soil on talus slopes or rocky cliffs on remote islands off the southwestern coast of Korea. Hemerocallis hongdoensis is most closely related to H. aurantiaca but differs from this species by its underground parts lacking a rhizome, deciduous leaves, ovate-lanceolate bracts below inflorescences which are 1.2-3.5 cm long, dichotomous or trichotomous inflorescences which are 3-9 cm long, stout perianth tube (2.4-3.2 cm x 5.5-6.0 mm), orange-yellow perianth lacking a red tinge, and a different flowering period. Hemerocallis L. is an economically important genus of approximately 30 species restricted mainly to eastern Asia (Matsuoka & Hotta, 1966). Hemerocallis has been placed in the Liliaceae (Cronquist, 1981; Hutchinson, 1964) or Hemerocallidaceae (Dahlgren et al., 1985). Matsuoka & Hotta (1966) and Hotta (1986) pointed out that the major difficulty with the classification of Hemerocallis lies in the uncertainty regarding criteria for delimiting the species. The taxonomic difficulties have been attributed to the relatively small number of diagnostic characters. Many species (e.g., H. aurantiaca Baker, H. flava L., H. fulva L., and H. thunbergii Baker) were described on the basis of cultivars with unknown origins (Matsuoka & Hotta, 1966), and with the additional problems of extreme difference in appearance between living plants and dried herbarium specimens (i.e., floral morphology and color of perianth), missing label data on dried herbarium specimens (i.e., flowering time and odor) (Matsuoka & Hotta, 1966), and possible widespread hybridization (Kitamura et al., 1986). For these reasons, the treatment of species within Hemerocallis has varied depending on the authors. For example, Matsuoka & Hotta (1966) and Hotta (1986) treated H. littorea Makino as a variety under H. fulva, while Kitamura et al. (1986) treated the taxon as a variety under H. aurantiaca. Matsuoka & Hotta (1966) also noted that Bailey (1930), Nakai (1932), and Stout (1941) did not consider the variability of natural populations when developing their classifiNOVON 4: 94-97. 1994. cations. Based on the literature for Hemerocallis (e.g., Bailey, 1930; Nakai, 1932; Stout, 1941; Ohwi, 1965; Matsuoka & Hotta, 1966; Hotta, 1986; Kitamura et al., 1986), the Japanese Hemerocallis are relatively well known with respect to their geographical and ecological distribution. On the other hand, the daylilies native to Korea are not well understood taxonomically. In 1988, 1991, 1992, and 1993, we conducted field trips to collect daylilies from natural populations in Korea in order to better understand the variation of morphological characters and geographical and ecological distribution. In 1988 and 1993, while visiting the remote islands of Hong, Sohuksan, and Taehuksan off the southwestern coast of Korea, we encountered a morphologically distinct group of Hemerocallis populations not referable to any described species. In the herbaria at Seoul National University (SNU) and Tokyo University (TI), which we visited, there were two undetermined specimens of this group collected by Ishidoya and T. Chung (TI). This series of populations is a new species as described below, and is named after the type locality, Hong Island. Hemerocallis (sect. Fulvae Nakai em.) hongdoensis M. Chung & S. Kang, sp. nov. TYPE: Korea. Chollanam Do, Shinan Gun, Huksan Myeon, Hong Island, Hongdo1-gu, among rocky and humus soil on E-facing talus slope, open area, ca. 30 m, 16 Aug. 1993, M. G. Chung & S. S. Kang 2028 (holotype, GNUC; isotypes, GA, GNUC, MO, SNU, TI). Figure 1. Radices perennes, tuberoso-inflatae, fuscae; folia visidiflava radicaria districa complanata vel striata, arcuatodeflexa, 60-100 cm longa, 1.7-3.0 cm lata; scapi erecti robustiusculi, 60-76 cm longi, 5-8 mm crassi, plerumque cum 1-2 ovata-lanceolatae bracteae. Inflorescentia dichotoma vel trichotoma, 5-17(-25)-floris 3-9 cm longi; pedicelli 1 cm longi 4 mm crassi; flores ascendentes; periantha aurantiaca-flava infundibularia 10.4-14.2 cm longa tenuiter succulentus; tubus crassus ca. 2.4-3.2 cm longi 5.5-6.0 mm crassis dilutus viridi-aurantiacus; lobi interiores 8-11 cm longi, 2.7-3.4 cm lati, margine integer, lobi exteriores lanceolati apice naviculato-acuti, 7.810.5 cm longi 1.3-1.7 cm lati. Capsula oblongus-ovalis, apice emarginati, pagina verruciformis, 2.5-4.1 cm longa 1.7-2.5 cm lata; semina nigra lucidula ca. 7 mm longa 5 mm lata. This content downloaded from on Thu, 19 May 2016 05:00:28 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Volume 4, Number 2 1994 Chung & Kang Hemerocallis hongdoensis
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