Cordierite (Mg2A14SisO18) and cordierite-based glassceramics are promising materials for electronic packaging due to both dielectric constant and thermal expansion being lower than the values for alumina [1-4]. Nevertheless, materials with good strength and high density together with improved dielecric characteristics are difficult to obtain using conventional methods (crystallization from glass or mixed oxide solid-state reaction) because of the very narrow sintering range of the stoichiometric compound. So, sintering of cordierite ceramics is generally done using additives such as titanium, alkali or alkaline-earth oxides [1, 5]. However, dense cordierite bodies have recently been obtained at low temperature using the sol-gel route [6, 7]. As we have already shown that a potassium-substituted cordierite, synthesized by using the glass crystallization process, presented a much lower thermal expansion coefficient than pure cordierite, it seemed of interest to check the ability to obtain dense ceramics of potassium cordierite using a sol-gel method [8, 9]. This letter deals with the elaboration and some characteristics of sol-gel-prepared K0.sMgzA14.sSi4.5Oi8 cordierite ceramics. In the silica-alumina system, the hydrolysiscondensation kinetics of the silica precursors, e.g. Si(OR)4, is strongly slower than that of the alumina alkoxides, AI(OR)3, and therefore leads generally to heterogeneous materials [10]. In order to avoid this difficulty we have used a method proposed by Yoldas [11], which consists in a partial hydrolysis of the silica precursor before introducing the alumina one. The starting materials used in this study were pure commercial silicon ethoxide (Si(OC2H5)4), aluminium butoxide (Al(OC4Hg)3), potassium acetate and magnesium nitrate. The processing flow chart is given in Fig. 1. The use of hydrazine (N2H4"H20) allows a rapid gelation (often less than 1 h) and the gels obtained are quite homogeneous and translucent. Drying the gels at 60°C always leads to a greyish powder containing a large amount of carbon (up to 13.9%) and hydrogen in a lesser extent (~3 .7%) (hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen by Carlo Erba 1106 analyser). This colour remains after the subsequent thermal treatments, thus indicating that carbon cannot be fully removed in this way. The gels were therefore washed with hydrogen peroxide H202 and dried at 60 ° C: residual amounts of both carbon and hydrogen decreased down to -~ 3%. Thermogravimetric analysis curves clearly show the influence of the