Visualizing the expansion of particles of different size in a laser-ablated plume is useful for understanding the mechanism of the pulsed-laser deposition process. In our previous work that the crystalline hydroxyapatite content in a coating layer decreased with increasing H2O gas pressure. We concluded that ablated atoms and ions, which were immediately changed into crystalline hydroxyapatite, were stopped before reaching the substrate in the H2O pressure range. In the present study, the expansion behavior of ablated droplets and atoms in H2O gas was measured independently. Droplets were also measured via Mie scattering images using a second probe laser beam and were found to not be affected by the ambient gas pressure. However, the excited Ca atoms and ions in this H2O pressure range were effectively prevented from reaching the substrate. These confirm that the decrease in the crystalline hydroxyapatite content was caused by the increase in the ambient gas pressure.