Birds with atypical colouration and developmental anomalies very rarely occur in the wild, and museum collections of such specimens have been formed over centuries. Today, their scientific importance is growing due to the emergence of new opportunities in genetic research, and distribution of information on the collections of this kind is a useful thing. The digitization of collections becomes especially important in times of war, because currently none of the museum collections in Ukraine have guarantees against possible losses. The collection of stuffed birds with atypical colouration and developmental anomalies, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, NASU includes 157 specimens of 44 species. It was collected from 1850 to 1930. Later, only one stuffed bird was received in 2012. The collection was formed both as a result of the activities of museum staff (hunting, buying at markets) and the receipt of numerous gifts to the museum's founder, Volodymyr Didushytskyi. Among the species, the most numerous are the house sparrow Passer domesticus L., 1758 – 24 spec., the grey crow Corvus cornix L., 1758, the rook Corvus frugilegus L., 1758 and the village swallow Hirundo rustica L., 1758, presented by 11 spec. each, and the grey partridge Perdix perdix L., 1758 – 9 spec. Some 117 specimens were collected from the present territory of Ukraine, 28 spec. from the present territory of Poland, and the place of collection of the remaining 12 specimens is unknown. In Ukraine, most specimens were collected in Lvivska province (89); the rest – in Ternopilska province (15), Ivano-Frankivska province (12) and Volynska province (1). In Poland, 12 specimens were collected in the Podkarpackie voivodeship, 11 spec. in the Małopolskie voivodeship, 2 spec. in the Lubelskie voivodeship and 1 spec. in the Lódzkie voivodeship. Among all localities, the largest number of specimens was collected from Lviv City and its environs – 24, form the village of Peniaky, Zolochivskyi district, Lvivska province – 12, and from Kraków City and its environs – 11. At the end of 2023, the entire collection was digitized as a part of the project "Crisis Inventory and Leap to Digitalization of Museum Records" Tustan NGO, “Tustan” State Historical and Cultural Museum, NeMo: Ukrainian Heritage Monitoring Lab and the NGO “Centre for Museum Development” with the financial support of the European Union. Each exhibit was photographed in six projections: front, left and right sides, back, bottom, and in the most favourable exhibition position. The catalogue was prepared within the framework of the project "Methodological principles of expert evaluation of the scientific potential of natural history collections" of the Department of Applied Museology of the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, state registration No.0122U001440.
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