What are the problems faced by Indonesian internship students in Thai English Language Teaching Classrooms Based on the problem statement, the proposed objective is to find out the problem or the obstacles experienced by internship students in English language teaching classrooms while teaching in Thailand School. Considering the different cultural backgrounds, this research is expected to explore the internship problems and whether internship students experience any cultural issues. This research uses a qualitative method that explores cross-cultural communication issues in participants, according to Creswell (2018, p. 294) In most cases, qualitative research presents the data, interprets the data, validates it, and shows the potential of the research results in order to expand the steps of data analysis and the methods used. In qualitative research, the social context is taken into consideration while examining events from the perspectives of the individuals being studied. This includes research that uses interpretative naturalistic techniques (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005 Kihlgren, 2016). The findings of the interviews from the three domains of problems faced by the internship students during the teaching internship program are based on the findings of the interview results that have been conducted by the researcher. 1. Teaching Learning Aspects as the Problem in ELT Classroom, 2. Personal Aspects as the Problem in ELT Classroom, 3. Communication Aspects as the Problem in ELT Classroom. Based on the findings that the researcher has found, the difficulties experienced by internship students during the internship program are quite varied, so it is in accordance with the problems found by the researcher that the main problems experienced by internship students in the internship program come from the cross-cultural problems that occur in English language teaching classrooms.