In this article, considering the prose works of Oleksandr Konyskiy, an attempt is made to analyze such moral and ethical concepts as guilt and remorse. The writer’s efforts to trace the protagonist's destiny, who unexpectedly becomes a criminal even for himself, is obvious. So, on the one hand, Konyskyi emphasizes that the illegal acts were not committed by a person with a genetically deviant pattern of behavior, but by a normal person, whose circumstances led to despair and eventually to cross all limits, but on the other hand, the writer claims that even an accidental murder can cause the protagonist’s deep suffering, awareness of his guilt and sinfulness caused by repentance and self-condemnation. The research is relevant in terms of the aspect of the specified moral and ethical categories. The object of the study, mentioned in the above works by Konyskyi, for one or another reason is not under the notice of literary critics. The purpose of the article is to trace how Konyskyi presented the motives of guilt and remorse and how they correlate with the modern collectivist and legal culture. Biographical, historical-literary, and hermeneutic research methods are used to achieve the purpose. Tasks: to analyze the prose of O. Konyskyi and to identify a problem-thematic group of works, in which wrongdoing is discussed; meaningful categories of guilt and remorse in specific historical and social conditions; find out the attitude of the writer-lawyer to the protagonist who commits a crime, and reveal how his actions related to the social and legal culture of thаt times. In his prose works, O. Konyskyi violated important moral and ethical problems, his sins were remorseful, which entailed complex moral and psychological processes: recognition of guilt, efforts to ask for forgiveness and to ease his spiritual suffering. Usually, after remorse a person can fundamentally change his behavior, his system of evaluations and judgments, and return to a normal life. However, the heroes of Konyskyi stories, even after repentance, cannot find a point of support to simply live, someone like Bebeh, a guard, who chooses suicide, and Myhailo Surmach or the priest Zosym cannot turn on redemption to mental bliss, and they gradually fade away psychologically and physically. A promising study is the identification of the mentioned motives in the great prose of O. Konyskyi, both in a comparative aspect, in particular, the image of a degraded person who also does not admit his guilt, for example, in the story “Sikutor” and “Persona grata” by M. Kotsiubynskyi, as well as the topic for infanticide of the classical Ukrainian literature Keywords: short story, character, protagonist, antagonist, fear, guilt, sin, remorse, death.
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