Craniofacial sutures are weak points compared to rigid bone on the skull and hence must be shielded from unduly high stresses so as not to disrupt vital growth processes and skeletal functions, especially in areas such as the midface. Under rare circumstances, extra sutures may naturally present in the midface, an area of critical morphological and biomechanical importance, such as intrazygomatic sutures dividing the zygoma into multiple parts (incidence of up to 6.5% in modern human populations, 0.24% in rhesus macaques, and 4.4% in orangutans). However, how these extra sutures would impact the ontogeny and function of facial skeletons has not been systematically studied. In this study, using 3D images and a Finite Element Model simulating the condition of the divided zygoma, the morphological and biomechanical influences of the supernumerary sutures in the midface were investigated. In skulls with unilateral divided zygoma, the bone was transected by the supernumerary intrazygomatic suture that arises perpendicularly from the facial aspect of the maxillo‐zygomatic suture and runs dorsolaterally, separating the zygoma into a superior division and an inferior division (bipartite). When compared to the normal side, the superior division was slender with the weaker muscle/fascia attachment markings on the frontal process, while the inferior division was more robust, with a thicker temporal process. The bones on the affected side that articulated with the inferior division also demonstrated signs of bony strengthening, including a thicker zygomatic process of the temporal bone contributing to a more robust zygomatic arch, and thickening of the lateroinferior part of the zygomatic process of the maxillary bone. Biomechanical simulations revealed that the superior division was spared high stress flow in the normal condition at the expense of the inferior division. In this way, the stresses incurred during normal masticatory activities were shunted from the upper face to the lower face, especially along the zygomatic arch, which is heavily stressed during normal conditions, suggesting that the bipartite morphology is less optimal than the typical case. These findings revealed that the divided zygoma condition would alter overall morphology of the midface of the affected side, and unfavorably affect the pattern of stress distribution in the loaded side of the face during mastication. This suggests that the presence of supernumerary sutures disturbs the integrity and modularity of zygomatic development leading to consequent morphological and functional adaptations. Further insights into this rare condition may deepen our understanding of craniofacial form, adaptation, and evolution, and help to improve therapeutic philosophies in corrective and regenerative medicine.