The aim of this study was to use the statistical process control (SPC) as a tool of recognition and rating for farms with larger probabilities of infraction of milk quality standards used by industry. Data of somatic cell count (SCC) and total bacterial count (TBC) from 452 farms were used. Proportion of infractions of quality standard was calculated considering limits of SCC = 400,000 cells/mL and TBC = 100,000 CFU/mL. Indices Cpk were calculated and farms were rated according to four categories of Cpk means and indices. The farms which presented larger means and standard deviation had larger frequencies of violation. Farms with means lower than limits proposed to SCC and TBC represented, respectively, 25.05 % and 97.78 % of farms. However, proportion of farms that provided milk consistently within the quality standards evaluated (Cpk ? 1) represented 4.65 % and 35.17 % of farms for SCC and TBC, respectively. Therefore, the Cpk index can be used by the industry associated with the current models to characterize milk quality from farms, since it identifies more consistent herds in producing quality-standard milk.KEYWORDS: bonus; Cpk index; somatic cell count; total bacterial count.