purpose of the work was to analyze the use of domestic biodrugs in the reproduction of cattle. In the scientifi c and economic experiment, three groups of dry cows (control, 1st and 2nd experimental) were formed according to the principle of analog groups, taking into account the clinical and physiological condition, age and live weight. In the 2nd series of the experiment, 3 groups of newborn heifers were formed in accordance with the groups of dams. The work scientifi cally substantiates and experimentally proves the eff ectiveness of using complex immunomodulatory biodrugs consisting of two main active components (yeast cells and vitamins) Salus-PE and Bovistim-K, in the technology of cow reproduction and calf rearing. It has been established that the use of biodrugs in late pregnant cows improved the course of the calving and postpartum periods, increased milk productivity and colostrum quality, forms stable colostral immunity in newborn calves, reduced the risks of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases in young animals, contributing to better live weight gains. The tested complex immunomodulatory biodrugs activate hematopoiesis, compensatory mechanisms of the body, the population of immune cells in the blood, increased protein metabolism, the expression profi le of cellular and humoral factors of non-specifi c resistance. The use of the developed biodrugs during decornuation stimulated tissue regeneration, accelerated the process of scab formation, normalized the level of γ-globulins, activated the synthesis of α- and β-globulins, oxidation-reduction processes and metabolism, which ensured an increase in the immune status of the body of calves in the neonatal period. The economic effi ciency of using the biodrugs Salus-PE and Bovistim-K in the technology of cow reproduction in the 1st and 2nd experimental groups based on 1 ruble of additional costs was 2.63 and 4.50 rubles, and in the technology of raising calves 6.85 and 11.20 rubles, respectively.
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