A process is in its stable state when it has sufficient precision and accuracy. The accuracy is expressed as the deviation of the process mean from its target while the low dispersion indicates the high process precision. Therefore, joint monitoring of multivariate process mean and variability ensures a high rate of producing items. This study proposes a multivariate generalized likelihood ratio scheme called DS-MGLR with two features: (1) considering the effect of imprecise observations, and (2) enhancing the chart sensitivity in reacting to process disturbances. Since the shift magnitude in the distribution parameters is not known in advance, the expected average run length is also calculated for both the MGLR and DS-MGLR charts. To reduce the impact of measurement errors, an improved version of the DS-MGLR chart based on multiple measurement approach is developed. Three comparative studies are presented to indicate the importance of the properties of the developed charts. The first study confirms the efficiency of the double sampling strategy, while the second study indicates the error effect. The third one shows the effectiveness of the multiple measurement approach in compensating for the error contamination. Finally, the applicability of the proposed chart is highlighted using a real data example.