In most real analysis textbooks, the standard example of a nonmeasurable set is a subset of the real line that is due to Vitali [3]. We describe a similar nonmeasurable subset of the torus (and hence the plane), where we can more easily visualize the set. In the process of constructing the set, students get an opportunity to experience how topics they learned in algebra and topology can be used in analysis. The idea of Vitali's example is to express the unit interval I as a disjoint union of countably many mutually congruent sets Ak. The nonmeasurability of each Ak follows from the observation that I = UkEz Ak and that countable additivity of measure implies that 1 = m(I) = Lkez m(Ak). Since each set Ak must have the same measure, the last equation shows that no nonnegative value can be assigned as the measure of each Ak. We will use this same idea with the square [0, 1] x [0, 1] in the plane R2. The advantage is that we will now have a more visual object than that of Vitali's example because the example will appear as a subset of a torus.