Bioassay of parts of cotton plants that had been sidedressed with 2-methyl-2-(methylthio) propionaldehyde O-(methylcarbamoyl) oxime (Union Carbide UC-21149) showed that the greatest amount of toxicant accumulated in older leaves and the least in debracted squares (floral buds). One sidedress application of 4 lb toxicant per acre or 2 sidedress applications of 2 lb per acre effectively controlled Anthonomus grandis Boheman, in field cages; however, 2 applications were more effective. When the same total amounts of UC-21149 were applied as multiple and single sidedressings, the multiple applications resulted in greatest uptake in new plant growth. Both deep placement in the soil close to the cotton plant and irrigation increased the uptake of sidedressed UC-21149, but placement did not affect uptake when the soil was irrigated. Foliar applications of a cottonseed oil feeding stimulant increased the effectiveness of a sidedressing of UC-21149 After soil applications, the S35-labeled sulfoxide of UC-21149 [2 methyl-2-(methylsulfinyl) propionaldehyde O-(methylcarbamoyl) oxime] was the major toxic component of squares. After stem applications 8.6–24.2% of the radiolabeled compound was recovered in the plant above the point of treatment.
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