ABSTRACT In this paper, we first derive the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the parameters of Birnbaum-Saunders (BISA) distributions based on the joint progressive Type-II censored (JPC) samples. We also discuss using the EM algorithm to obtain the MLEs of the model parameters. Then, we determine the single-objective-criterion optimal JPC schemes for BISA distributions based on the cost minimization criterion, A -optimality criterion, and D -optimality criterion by the complete search method, variable neighborhood search (VNS) algorithm and modified VNS (MVNS) algorithm. These algorithms are compared in terms of accuracy and computation time. In addition, we determine the compound-criterion optimal JPC schemes based on different optimal criteria and the reasonably efficient compound optimal JPC schemes for two competing statistical models, such as the inverse Gaussian and BISA models. The advantages of using the compound optimal scheme over the single-objective-criterion optimal scheme are demonstrated through a real-life data set on the micro-indentation test about the hardness of polymeric bone cement.