Abstract Kainic acid, bicuculline or pentetrazole have been injected systemically in rats. Clinical, electrographic and metabolic alterations (using the deoxyglucose method), have been studied in relation to subsequently demonstrated neuropathology using stains for degenerating nerve fibers or neurons. Twenty minutes after administration of the toxin (9–12 mg/kg i.p.), the animals displayed ‘wet shakes’; their frequency of occurrence was steadily increased before subsiding 60 min later when the overt typical limbic motor seizures started. The latter progressively evolved into status epilepticus. Epileptiform activity started (approximately 20 min after the injections) in the temporal pole of the hippocampal formation (in particular the entorhinal cortex) and propagated to the rostral Ammon's horn, the amygdala, medial thalamus and pre-frontal cortex and diffusely to the cortical electroencephalogram. Postictal depressions were exclusively seen in the hippocampal formation, thus further stressing the central position occupied by this structure in the electrographic effects of the toxin. At longer delays (3–6 days), rhythmic spikes were exclusively present in the amygdaloid complex. Less than l h after administration of kainic acid, i.e. before the occurrence of the first limbic motor seizure, the autoradiographic deoxyglucose maps revealed an increase in glucose consumption exclusively in the hippocampal formation and lateral septum. At longer delays (2–5 h) the increase in radioactive material progressively involved: (1) structures projected upon directly by the hippocampal formation through the pre- and post-commissural fornix system (in addition to the lateral septum, the infralimbic cortex, the nucleus accumbens, ventral putamen and antero-medial thalamic nuclei); (2) the rostral limbic cortex (in particular the deep layers of the pre-limbic and agranular insular cortices) and structures which have direct connections with the rostral limbic cortex including the cingulate, retrosplenial and perirhinal cortices as well as the claustrum; (3) the amygdaloid complex, the stria terminalis fiber tract and its bed nucleus. In contrast, there was a concomitant decrease in glucose consumption in ‘non-limbic’ cortical structures as well as in most regions of the forebrain, mesencephalon and brain stem. At longer delays (2–3 days) the metabolism was decreased in the entire brain with a few noticeable exceptions, including the amygdala. There is, therefore, a remarkable correlation between the electrographic changes and the rise in metabolism. Furthermore, the pathological alterations (signs of degeneration) were almost exclusively present in structures in which there had been a rise in metabolism (in particular the hippocampal formation, lateral septum, amygdala, medial thalamus and claustrum). In contrast, bicuculline (0.4–0.8 mg/kg i.v.) or pentetrazole (60 mg/kg i.p.) produced less than 1 min after the injection a typical tonico-clonic generalized convulsive seizure with severe post-ictal depressions in several brain structures including the frontal and occipital cortices. Short delays (less than 1 h) after single or a few generalized convulsive seizures, the most conspicuous rise in metabolism was noted in the cerebellum and vestibular nuclei, the red nucleus, substantia nigra, nucleus of the occulomotor nerve and the neocortex. In contrast, a decrease in glucose consumption was manifested in limbic structures, in particular, the hippocampal formation and the amygdala. Thus, in several respects, the image produced by the deoxyglucose maps and its electrographic correlates is the opposite of that obtained after kainic acid. After short delays, the most conspicuous brain damage seen with the FinkHeimer stain consists of fine argyorphilic grains surrounding the cerebellar Purkinje perikarya, which appear to reflect degenerative changes in basked cell innervation. It is suggested that the systemic administration of kainic acid may provide a useful animal model for the study of both the preferential susceptibility of limbic structures to epileptogenic procedures and their vulnerability to the pathological consequences of epilepsy.
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