Studies of learning are now performed at very differentlevels, including the neuronal and molecular biological lev-els. Integration of data obtained at these two levels canfacilitate the development of overall concepts of processesoccurring in the brain during learning.Data obtained using neurophysiological methods pro-vide evidence that learning is mediated by a process of“behavioral specialization” of silent reserve neurons [1, 3,5, 7]. According to the systems-selection theory of the for-mation of a new behavioral act, learning involves the for-mation of a new functional system, i.e., systemogenesis; atthe neuronal level, this corresponds to the formation of neu-ron specializations for this system [7]. Neuron specializa-tion consists of the appearance of activation of previously“silent” neurons every time the relevant formed behavioralact takes place.It has repeatedly been demonstrated that differentbrain structures are characterized by different patterns ofbehavioral neuron specializations [1]. Thus, the motor cor-tex is dominated by neurons specialized with regard to sys-tems formed at the early stages of individual development:so-called old system neurons, for example, “movement”neurons or “food taking” neurons. The cingulate cortex isdominated by neurons specialized with regard to new sys-tems formed when animals learn in an experimental cage,for example, “pedal-pressing” neurons [4]. Comparison ofthe patterns of specialization in the retrosplenial area of thecingulate cortex and in the anterolateral area of the motorcortex in rabbits shows that the number of “new” neurons inthe former is an order of magnitude greater than in the lat-ter. It has also been demonstrated that the patterns of spe-cialization in the cingulate cortex are similar in rabbits andrats: “new” neurons predominate in both species [3]. Fur-ther studies reported by Gavrilov et al. have demonstrated asimilarity between the patterns of specialization in themotor cortex of rats and rabbits. Thus, the ratio of the pat-terns of neuron specializations in rats is the same as that inrabbits.The processes underlying the formation of neuron spe-cialization are evidently based on long-term changes in cellfunctions and cell connections, which must require activa-tion of gene expression. Learning has been shown to inducea cascade of molecular rearrangements in neurons, andexpression of early genes has been shown to be one of thecritical elements of these modifications [2]. Induction of thec-fos gene during formation of a new behavior, this beingone of the main members of the immediate early gene fam-ily, varies in different brain structures. Zhu et al. [9] haveestablished that the set of structures activated in the ratbrain, demonstrated by immunohistochemical mapping,coincides with the set of structures identified as activated byrecording of neuron activity during presentation of familiarand unfamiliar objects. These points suggest that differ-ences in the levels of gene expression between structuresmay be associated with the different contributions of thesebrain structures to the process of neuron specialization dur-ing learning. Confirmation of this suggestion and improve-ment of our understanding of the molecular biological basesof the formation of neuron specialization require compar-isons of the numbers of neurons expressing early genes in agiven brain structure during learning with the level ofinvolvement of that structure in the formation of new spe-
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