This article examines past and present practices of embedding information literacy into introductory composition courses at the university level and proposes a new model based on a case study conducted in Fall 2022 at a large research university. Based on the assessment outcomes and student feedback, we used a Fall 2023 iteration of the course to refine some of the activities and assignments, and then created an open access Information Literacy Toolkit for introductory composition instructors. This project demonstrates how librarians can contribute to the existing structures of introductory composition programs at large universities to embed information literacy in a way that is scalable for both librarian and instructor. Conversely, this also highlights the critical role introductory composition at the university level can play in achieving core library priorities, such as teaching information literacy and critical thinking. The Information Literacy Toolkit is open access and all materials are downloadable for free, so that faculty and librarians can view, amend, and apply the toolkit.
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