Previous studies have shown the benefit of real-time intra-operative audio Doppler identification of testicular arteries during microscopic subinguinal varicocelectomy. This minimizes the risk of inadvertent testicular artery injury. This study evaluates the use of a novel micro-ultrasound probe for thelocalization of arteries during such procedures. Prospectively maintained database cohort study. A new micro-ultrasound probe (Aloka-Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) was utilized to localize the testicular arteries real-time during three robotic assisted sub-inguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy cases. The ultrasound image was fed into the TilePro (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA) surgeon console platform to provide three simultaneous real-time video images to the microsurgeon during the procedure: 1) a 12-15x 3D image via the HD robotic camera, 2) a 16-18x optical high magnification view via the VITOM camera (Karl Storz Inc., Tuttlingen, Germany) and 3) a real time visual ultrasound image from the new micro-ultrasound probe.Localization of the testicular arteries was validated against the current standard - audio Doppler mapping using a micro Doppler probe (Vascular Technology Inc., Nashua, NH). In all cases, the new ultrasound probe was able to identify all arteries in the spermatic cord (testicular artery & deferential artery). The probe also allowed visualization of small posterior varicose veins (1-2 mm diameter) that are sometimes easy to miss on visual examination. No arteries where missed by the micro-ultrasound probe based on the additional Doppler scanning. Accurate localization of the arteries in the spermatic cord vessel is critical to minimize inadvertent injury during microsurgical varicocelectomy. The new micro-ultrasound probe appears to be effective in micro-vessel localization in this preliminary study.