Sea stars of the family Asterinidae are well known for their diverse life history strategies encompassing sexual reproduction through various larval forms, while others, all multi-armed species, through clonal asexual reproduction. For at least 25 years, a geographically isolated population of the minute (radius < 7 mm) tropical Pacific fissiparous asterinid, Ailsastra heteractis, has been locally abundant in a shallow water coral rubble habitat at One Tree Island, southern Great Barrier Reef. The population biology of this sea star was investigated over 14 years to characterise its asexual reproduction through fission (splitting in half) and to determine whether a size threshold is reached for an expected switch to sexual reproduction. Fission followed by regeneration was the dominant propagation mechanism generating individuals that varied in arm number (2–7) and length (0.5–6.9 mm). Recently split individuals were present year round with regenerating individuals being the most prevalent body form. Growth rates and fission activity, as measured by mean arm length, varied among months but with no overall pattern. Analyses of arm length data based on season indicated that fission activity was lowest in autumn. There was a positive correlation between the incidence of fission and air and water temperature with a decrease in the proportion of recently split individuals in winter and an increase in summer. Fission was present in all size classes with no evidence of a switch to a larger sexual morphotype with growth. Juvenile recruitment from sexual reproduction was not evident. Extensive searches did not reveal the presence of other populations of A. heteractis. The absence of recruitment and reproductive organs coupled with a stable population demography indicates that propagation by fission is the only reproductive mechanism for the A. heteractis population.
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