Laboratoire de physico-chimie de l’e´tat solide, U.M.R. 8648, Baˆt. 410, 91405 Orsay, France(Received February 24, 2000)(Accepted in revised form April 3, 2000)Keywords: Texture; Recrystallization and recovery; Iron-nickel alloyIntroductionMany investigations have been carried out on the recrystallization crystallographic texture of rolledmetallic materials. However, the formation mechanism of the recrystallized grains with a preferredorientation has not been clarified yet. In particular, in the case of fcc metals and alloys from mediumto high stacking fault energy such as FeNi alloys, the cube texture {100},001. development duringrecrystallization is not clearly understood in spite of intensive studies. Several mechanisms have beenproposed to explain this phenomenon and two main alternative theories are generally proposed: orientednucleation (1) and oriented growth (2). Nevertheless, these theories are not satisfactory to explain fullythe cube texture development during recrystallization and in particular, they can not give any infor-mation on the time scale of the phenomenon. In this purpose, “in situ” texture measurements duringrecrystallization have been performed.The Fe53%-Ni alloy is widely used as soft magnetic sheet materials. After high reduction, cold rolledtexture is characterized by three main components considered as a typical copper-type texture (3): the“brass” {110} ,112. (B), the “aluminium” {123} ,634. (S) and the “copper” {112} ,111. (C)components. After annealing, a typical strong cube texture {100},001. development is observed.The aim of this paper is to study the crystallographic texture evolution of the Fe-53%Ni alloy duringannealing and the influence of the annealing temperature on the recrystallization kinetics. Then, the useof neutron diffraction is particularly requisite on the one hand to achieve good statistic measurement,even for small texture volume fraction and, on the other hand to use complex sample surroundings, asa furnace, necessary for the “in-situ” recrystallization study.Experimental ProcedureAfter hot rolling, the Fe-53%Ni alloy was cold rolled with a 95% reduction, until a final thickness sheetof about 0.2 mm. So in order to perform “in-situ” texture measurements by neutron diffraction, a pileup of 50 pieces (1cm 3 1cm) is realized in a vanadium (almost “transparent” for neutron diffraction)cubic container (1cm