Diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia are widespread in marine waters. Some of them can produce the toxin domoic acid (DA) which can be responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) when transferred into the food web. These ASP events are of major concern, due to their ecological and socio-economic repercussions, particularly on the shellfish industry. Many studies have focused on the influence of abiotic factors on DA induction, less on the role of biotic interactions. Recently, the presence of predators has been shown to increase DA production in several Pseudo-nitzschia species, in particular in Arctic areas. In order to investigate the relationship between Pseudo-nitzschia species and grazers from the French coast, exposures between one strain of three species (P. australis, P. pungens, P. fraudulenta) and the copepod Temora longicornis were conducted for 5 days. Cellular and dissolved DA content were enhanced by 1,203 % and 1,556 % respectively after the 5-days exposure of P.australis whereas no DA induction was observed in P. pungens and P. fraudulenta. T. longicornis consumed all three Pseudo-nitzschia species. The copepod survival was not related to DA content. This study is an essential first step to better understanding the interactions between planktonic species from the French coast and highlights the potential key role of copepods in the Pseudo-nitzschia bloom events in the temperate ecosystems.
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