Emil Zolotoyabko's book is an excellent textbook for courses on both geometric/structural and physical crystallography. There are approximately 300 pages with nearly 200 illustrative color figures and an index. The recommended list for general reading comprises references to 17 relevant and well known books as well as to the Powder Diffraction File of the International Center for Diffraction Data. The title of the book and its subtitle are well chosen to represent the whole content of the book. Somewhat unusual for a crystallography text book at the chosen level, the introductory chapter puts geometric/structural and physical crystallography in the wider context of symmetries in nature. The heuristic value and generality of symmetry arguments are illustrated by mentioning that the conservation laws of linear momentum, energy, and angular momentum all follow directly from the homogeneity of space and time. The degeneracy of quantum mechanical states, their lifting by the breaking of symmetries of a confining potential, and selection rules also illustrate the universality of symmetry considerations. This referee feels that this kind of an introductory treatment and the immediately following assertion that “our task within this book is much more modest: to describe the symmetry of crystals and to show how and to what extent symmetry considerations can be used for determining the physical properties of crystals” are bound to impress any reader so that there will probably be many serious students of Emil Zolotoyabko's text book. The next six chapters cover (in 50 pages) crystallographic basics such as direct and reciprocal space as concepts, crystallographic calculations, and the stereographic projection. Reciprocal space is also explained from the physical applications point of view. A nice didactic device is the declaration of four of these chapters as providing the “Language of crystallography” (by making this phrase part of the chapter headings). This will hopefully entice readers to review first all of the “language needed” for the comprehension of the latter parts of the book. The following eleven chapters deal briefly with atomic packings and coordination numbers, i.e. very basic crystal chemistry concepts, as well as comprehensively with the symmetries of crystals (in 115 pages) all the way up their representations in the International Tables. After the initial dealing with individual point symmetries and the introduction of point symmetry groups and Bravais lattices, space groups are derived. Point group mm2 and the Bravais lattices of the orthorhombic crystal system are chosen as examples for the derivation of all of the<?brk?> 22 space groups that their combination entails. This is a very good exercise for the serious student. Seven chapters are left to cover the basics of crystal physics. These chapters utilize the tensor formalism extensively and provide examples of physical property descriptions up to the forth tensor rank. The examples are ferroelectricity, dielectric permittivity, birefringe effects, piezoelectricity, stress/strain and the elastic moduli. Neumann's and Curie's symmetry principles are utilized to “build bridges” between the crystal physics part of the book and the preceding discussions on crystal symmetries. The differences between the propagation of acoustic and electromagnetic waves in crystals are also highlighted. The final chapter is on twinning from both the symmetry and physical properties points of view. All in all, a very nice textbook indeed.
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