A lower bound for the length of the shortest path through n points in [0, Ild is given in terms of the discrepancy function of the n points. This bound is applied to obtain an analogue for several pseudorandom sequences to the known limit behavior of the length of the shortest path through n independent uniformly distributed random observations from [0, lJd. Introduction For a sequence {z,: 1 1, to be considered as a candidate for a sequence of pseudorandom observations, it must at least be uniformly distributed in the sense that the empirical frequency of any subcube must tend to the volume of that subcube [5, pp. 127-157]. For such a minimally pseudorandom sequence, it seems of interest to determine the extent to which additional features of independent uniformly distributed random variables must also hold. The additional feature which is considered in this note is the asymptotic growth rate of the shortest path through the initial sample { Z1, Z2, . . .* Zn)} For a sequence {x,, 1 0. While a result of such precision is too much to expect of a general pseudorandom sequence, a somewhat weaker version of (1) can be obtained in sufficient generality to cover a variety of classical cases. To make this precise, first suppose [0, I]d is partially ordered (<) by the usual coordinatewise ordering, and for each x E [0, j]d ,define the empirical distribution function Fn(x) = (I/n)#{1 < i < n: z, < x} of the sequence {z,: 1 < i < oo). The discrepancy function Dn is then defined by D = sup IF (x)F(x)I x E [O, ]d Received by the editors June 29, 1979 and, in revised form, November 8, 1979. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 65C10, 90B10, 1OF40, 60D05.
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