LEARNING OUTCOME: To examine the effects of fat replacement with various fruit purees on palatability measures and acceptability in a chocolate cake and spice cookie recipe.Three types of fruit purees (prune, apricot and apple) were evaluated as partial fat replacements in a chocolate cake and spice cookie recipe. Fat was replaced using a 1:0.5 ratio for the prune and apricot versions, and a 1:1 ratio for the applesauce version, reducing total fat content by 40%. Four treatments were evaluated for each dessert product (cake and cookie): a control, and three reduced fat treatments containing prune, apricot, and apple purees. Three replications of each treatment were conducted producing twelve total replications which were randomly assigned to several testing sessions. Cookie treatments were evaluated by 23 semi-trained and untrained panelists using descriptive scales (5- & 9-point) for appearance, texture, flavor & acceptability, and cake treatments for tenderness, moistness, flavor, and acceptability. Food Action Rating Scale (FACT) was also used to evaluate acceptability. Standard protocols were followed for preparation and evaluation of products. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Duncan tests. Overall, palatability characteristics and acceptability of the reduced fat, prune, apricot and applesauce cookie treatments did not differ significantly from the control cookie; appearance of the prune and apricot treatments was rated significantly lower (p<0.05) than control. The control cake was rated significantly higher (p<0.05) than all fat-reduced treatments for tenderness, acceptability and the FACT scale; flavor and moistness were not rated significantly different among the treatments. Beta-carotene content increased markedly in the prune (cookie, 63%; cake, 113%) and especially the apricot products (cookie, 283%; cake, 509%) versus controls. The efficacy of these foods as fat replacements in producing acceptable reduced fat desserts and snacks, their nutritional impact, and cost implications will be discussed.