The yrast states of148Dy and149Dy have been studied by γ-ray and conversion electron measurements in (α, xn) and (16O,xn) reactions on enriched152Gd and135Ce targets. Level schemes to above 4 MeV for the two nuclei are reported. The πh211/2 spectrum identified in148Dy and the πh11/2 effective chargeeeff=1.52±0.05e, derived from the measuredE2 transition rate between the (πh211/2) 10+ and 8+ states, are discussed and compared with results for other two-particle nuclei. The yrast cascades in148Dy and149Dy continue above the (πh211/2) 10+ and πh211/2vf7/2) 27/2− states by ∼ 1 MeVE1 transitions de-exciting the lowest members of octupole multiplets built on these states. The energy shifts for the observed members of the πh211/2 × 3− multiplet are analyzed in terms of twoparticle-phonon exchange coupling using an empirical coupling strength extracted from the one valence particle nucleus147Tb. The dominantvf7/2×3− character of low-lying 13/2+ isomers in149Dy and otherN=83 nuclei is emphasized.
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