Scripta ME?~LLJR3iCA Vol. 25, pp. 779-784, 199! Pergamon Press plc et M.~,e~AL[A Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved DEVELOPMENT OF RESIDUAL STRESS AND SURFACE CRACKS IN LASER TREATED LOW CARBON STEEL B.A. Van Bmssel, H.J. Hegge and J.Th.M. De Hosson Department of Applied Physics, Materials Science Centre, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 18, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands R. Delhez, Th.H. de Keijser, N.M. Van der Pers Laboratory of Metallurgy, Rotterdamseweg 137, 2628 AL Delft, The Netherlands (Received January 17, 1991) Introduction Laser surface melting is a powerful technique to produce wear resistant layers. It combines the advantages of local hardening, alloying and high quench rates. The latter may result in new metastable phases with novel tribological properties. Despite these advantages laser melting may produce residual stresses in the surface layer which may affect the wear performance and the sensitivity to fatigue and fracture. As is known from conventional welding technologies [ 11, local heating may cause detrimental stresses. During a laser treatment a similar situation is created and consequently residual stresses are being detected [2,3,41. In former studies however average stress intensities are measured over a laser track. Here results of measurements will be reported which present a better insight in stress variations within and in the neighbourhood of a laser pass. Another aspect of a laser treatment is the occurrence of some cracks in the surface. In principle cracks are preferential sites for fatigue or corrosion fracture [5,6,7]. Here the main interest concentrates on the residual stresses produces by a continuous COz laser treatment and effects on fracture in a low carbon steel CK 22. With respect to cooling rate and heat input a continuous laser can be placed in between a short pulse laser and electric arc welding. Applying a short pulse laser it is possible to produce a shock wave. By rapid heating plastic deformation occurs and even evaporation of a thin surface layer [8,91. Although the interaction time of a continuous laser beam is larger, deformation effects may be expected as is confirmed by the residual stresses found. In welding heat is maintained during a time lapse which is long enough to anneal a large amount of the defects. In contrast to this, the thermal cycle of a laser treatment is much shorter, which may prevent annealing effects. Experiment
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