With further development, membrane separations have the potential to contribute to process improvements, especially for energy conservation, in ethanol fuel production. Two applications of hyperfiltration (reverse osmosis) in the recovery and purification of ethanol from fermentation beer are defined and analyzed for energy requirements and economics. These analyses are performed for a complete plant, including a recovery subprocess with and without the use of hyperfiltration. The hyperfiltration processes are designed using existing data for available membranes and hypothetical data for advanced membranes. The overall purpose of these analyses is to identify process modifications and membrane-related research that can contribute to decreasing the energy requirements of ethanol fuel production. In one application, hyperfiltration is used in a lignocellulose-to-ethanol plant to preconcentrate low-proof (2 wt% beer prior to further purification by fractional and azeotropic distillation. This application requires ethanol-rejecting membranes, which are developed. When lignocellulose is used as a feedstock for ethanol production, a low-proof beer is usually produced. The energy requirements of ethanol recovery from low-proof beer by conventional distillation exceed the energy content of ethanol and frequently preclude the feasibility of producing ethanol from lignocellulose. The use of hyperfiltration to preconcentrate ethanol can significantly reduce the energy requirements of ethanol recovery from low-proof beer. The analyses are based upon process designs using existing and hypothetical membranes. This application is found to conserve 19 to 20 GJ/m 3 (67,000 to 72,000 Btu/gal) of anhydrous ethanol as compared to only fractional and azeotropic distillation and to be economically competitive (with a 2 to 4% lower price). The analysis indicates that this application of hyperfiltration is promising and that future research should be devoted to increasing flux (while maintaining or improving ethanol rejection) and to assessing and improving membrane life. In the other application, hyperfiltration is used to dehydrate high-proof (93 to 95 wt%) ethanol in a corn-to-ethanol plant. Ethanol dehydration is an energy-intensive separation, generally requiring 2.0 to 2.8 GJ/m 3 (7,000 to 10,000 Btu/gal) of anhydrous ethanol. This application was designed based upon hypothetical, water-rejecting hyperfiltration membranes, which are not pres ently developed. Although the hyperfiltration process is found to conserve 0.8 GJ/m 3 (2,900 Btu/gal) of anhydrous ethanol, it is not found to have an economic advantage over a conventional ethanol purification process. Therefore, this application is not found to be promising and little incentive exists for performing research aimed at development of a water-rejecting membrane for the dehydration of ethanol by hyperfiltration. Finally, thoughts regarding the use of membrane separations in the chemical/fuel industry are presented.