CONTEXTAccess to sufficient amount of irrigation water enables farmers to intensify cultivation, leading to increased productivity. The type, application level of irrigation infrastructure, and water use management conditions affect the extent of water supply and farm-level productivity. Despite this, much of the literature on the impact of irrigation water on farm-level productivity considers the dichotomous concept of access to irrigation without accounting for differences in the reliability of access to irrigation water. OBJECTIVEBeyond the dichotomous effect of access to irrigation, this study examined the impact of reliable irrigation water on farm-level productivity in semi-arid agricultural systems. METHODSUsing data from 462 irrigated farm plots from northern Ethiopia, we estimated the impact of reliability of irrigation water on plot-level productivity based on the control function approach to address the potential endogeneity associated with the reliability of irrigation water in the productivity model. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONResults show that reliability of irrigation water positively and significantly affects farm-level productivity. The implication is that beyond access to irrigation water, reliability in access and use of irrigation water remains crucial to productivity. In this regard, it is vital to work on strengthening the village-level water management systems and enhancing their institutional efficiency to ensure water use reliability and sustain future investments in irrigation systems to enhance plot-level productivity. SIGNIFICANCEThe bulk of the literature is restricted to documentation of knowledge on the dichotomous effect of access to irrigation that could mask the more realistic impact on plot-level productivity. This study extends the literature by modeling not only access to but also reliability of access to unmask the differential impact of access to and reliability of irrigation water on plot-level productivity. It can also provide policy a useful direction in promoting the need to invest, beyond access, on ensuring the reliability of irrigation water for enhancing productivity.
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