The MTIR-SCP reactor is a research reactor with a light-water coolant having a fast neutron spectrum in nominal operation. None of the existing or projected reactors has a set of these features, therefore, special attention should be paid to the choice of the design of control rods and their location. The article considers various designs of control rods characteristic of the VVER-SCP power reactor currently under development, as well as existing research reactors with a liquid metal coolant having a fast neutron spectrum, taking into account the features of the MTIR-SCP: a seven-element control rod assembly design, as well as a ring-type absorbing element. Efficiency calculations are carried out for each of the structures under consideration and it was determined that the design of a control rod with an annular type of absorbing element has the highest specific efficiency. This design is chosen as the main one for the MTIR- SCP reactor. Criteria are proposed and optimization of the placement of control rods in the reactor core is carried out in order to reduce the uncertainty of obtaining neutron-physical characteristics in the central autonomous loop channel and increase the flow density in it. When optimizing the placement of control rods in the research reactor, their influence on the main neutron-physical characteristics, and especially on their distribution during operation under nominal conditions, is taken into account. Emergency protection and compensating rods that compensate for temperature and density effects when the reactor reaches the nominal power level have been removed, therefore their effect on the neutron-physical characteristics of the reactor and the loop channel during operation at power is not significant, and the compensating rods are located in the core and are removed as the fuel burns out, therefore their effect on the spatial The distribution of neutron-physical characteristics will be significant. To reduce this effect, burnout compensators and automatic regulators are proposed to be moved outside the core into the reflector. For various reactor conditions, the efficiency of the control and protection system was evaluated. It is shown that in various states, the control rods transfer the reactor to the required level of subcriticality, in accordance with NP-009-17.
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