In Escherichia coli the great majority of one-carbon units enter the folate pathway as N 5 ,N 10 -methylene-THF. This compound is utilized directly in the biosynthesis of thymidylate, converted to N 5 -methyl-THF for use in methionine biosynthesis, and to N 10 -formyl-THF, which provides carbons 2 and 8 of purines and the formyl group of f-met-tRNA. Since the proportions utilized for different end-products can vary widely with changing conditions of growth, the distribution of N 5 ,N 10 -methylene-THF must be regulated in some way. We have studied the regulation of the conversion of N 5 ,N 10 -methylene-THF to N 10 -formyl-THF which is catalyzed by N 5 ,N 10 -methylene-THF dehydrogenase (MTDH) which converts N 5 ,N 10 -methylene-THF to N 5 ,N 10 -methenyl-THF, and N 5 ,N 10 -methenyl-THF cyclohydrolase (MTC), which converts N 5 ,N 10 -methenyl-THF to N 10 -formyl-THF. We concluded that the regulation could not be by control of enzyme synthesis since the specific activity of both enzymes increased with decreasing specific growth rate. N 10 -formyl-THF was found to be a noncompetitive, allosteric inhibitor of MTDH, and a competitive inhibitor of MTC. The value of K i for both inhibitions was about 5 × 10 −5 m . The intracellular concentration of total folates is in the range of 2 to 5 × 10 −4 m in E. coli ; thus the concentration of N 10 -formyl-THF will be such that significant inhibition will occur. The location of N 10 -formyl-THF in the folate pathway is such that its concentration can increase as its rate of utilization in purine biosynthesis decreases, as would be expected if the inhibition were to have regulatory significance; however, we do not yet have experimental proof that its concentration does change in the expected manner. Solutions have been calculated for the operation of a model folate pathway as it supplies the pathways of purine, deoxypyrimidine and methionine biosynthesis in a growing cell. The results of these calculations showed that inhibition of MTDH by N 10 -formyl-THF is advantageous to the cell, in that it permits a higher specific growth rate than if the inhibition did not occur; and that it can be essential, insofar as circumstances exist in which a steady state is impossible without the inhibition. However, it was also shown that inhibition of MTDH by N 10 -formyl-THF alone was insufficient to regulate the distribution of N 5 ,N 10 -methylene-THF when de novo purine biosynthesis is reduced by the addition of exogenous purines. We concluded that N 10 -formyl-THF inhibition of MTDH is a significant element in the regulation of MTDH, but that other mechanisms of regulation exist which we have yet to identify.
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