Prior to 2015, patients at our institution who received radiation therapy following mastectomy with reconstruction were treated to 54Gy to the chest wall without boost (PMRT-noB) or 50-50.4Gy to the chest wall followed by a 10Gy scar boost (PMRT-B) at the discretion of the treating physician. The purpose of this study was to investigate clinical outcomes using these two treatment regimens. We performed a matched-pair analysis to compare patients s/p mastectomy with reconstruction treated with PMRT-noB or PMRT-B at a single institution from 1996-2015. 116 patients (58 pairs) were matched by age (+/- 3y), T-stage, N-stage, chemotherapy (y/n), and ER status. Clinical outcomes were analyzed using t-tests for continuous variables, χ2 for categorical variables, and Kaplan-Meier estimates. P-values <0.05 were significant. Median follow-up for all patients was 6.1y (1.6-14.3y); 7.6y and 4.8y for PMRT-noB and PMRT-B, respectively (p=0.16). Median age at diagnosis was 47y (28-68y). 64% of patients underwent modified radical mastectomy, 34% simple mastectomy, and 2% total mastectomy. 89% of patients had immediate tissue expander reconstruction in a 2-stage process; others were immediate permanent implant, TRAM flap, or latissimus dorsi flap. Median tumor size was 3.2cm (0-18.5cm); 2cm v 2.5cm for PMRT-noB v PMRT-B (p=0.98). There were no statistical differences in menopausal status, histology, margin status, or tumor grade. 41% had neoadjuvant chemo, 57% had adjuvant chemo, and 85% received anti-hormone therapy. More patients in the PMRT-noB group received Herceptin, 29% v 14% (p=0.04). Clinical outcomes were excellent at 5 years and seen in Table 1. There were no differences in LC, LRC, CLBF, DM, DFS, or OS between the groups. Implant loss was 14% in both the PMRT-noB and PMRT-B groups (p=1). Tissue expander loss was higher in the PMRT-B group, 20% v 8%, trending to significance (p=0.07). Infection rates were similar, 14% v 17% in the PMRT-noB v PMRT-B groups (p=0.09). 16% of patients receiving PMRT-noB required surgery due to post-RT toxicity v 12% PMRT-B (p=0.56). No differences were seen in clinical outcomes comparing 54Gy to chest wall v 50-50.4Gy followed by a 10Gy scar boost. Rates of implant/expander loss and infection were similar. Additional analysis of acute and chronic post-RT skin and chest wall toxicities is underway. These data support the use of a lower chest wall dose, which is expected to decrease integral dose to the chest wall, heart, and lungs, while achieving the same clinical outcomes.Abstract TU_12_3433; Table 1Clinical Outcomes at 5 yearsOutcomeAll patients (n=116)PMRT-noB (n=58)PMRT-B (n=58)p-valueLocal Control (LC)98%100%96.5%0.135Locoregional Control (LRC)98%100%96.5%0.152Contralateral Breast Failure (CLBF)0%0%0%0.527Distant Metastasis (DM)12%9%14%0.325Disease Free Survival (DFS)87%91%86%0.428Overall Survival (OS)99%100%98%0.632 Open table in a new tab
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