Let A be a bounded linear transformation on the complex separable Hilbert space H. If there is a conjugation Q on H such that A = QA*Q, we say that A is conjugate selfadjoint. In this note we examine commutativity properties of conjugate selfadjoint operators which possess cyclic vectors. 1. Preliminaries. Let H be a complex Hilbert space with a countably infinite basis, and let (f, g) denote the inner product of two vectors in H. By H ff H we mean the Hilbert space of vectorsf E3 g having inner product (fl D gI,f2 E 92) = (fl,f2) + (g1, g2). A linear manifold is a subset which is closed under vector addition and under multiplication by complex numbers. A subspace is a linear manifold which is closed in the norm topology induced by the inner product. The smallest subspace containing the set U ??of fn) will be denoted by V{fn). If F is a subset of Hilbert space, clos F will denote the closure of F in the norm topology and F' = { gl( g, f) = 0, f E F). Whenever A is a continuous linear transformation on H, its graph F(A) = { fD Af If E H) is a subspace of H ff H. One can easily verify that F(A)= { A*(-f) Ef fIf E H), where A* is the adjoint of The germinal idea of representing a linear transformation through its associated graph subspace originated in the work of J. von Neumann [1]. Hereafter we shall refer to a continuous (or bounded) linear transformation as an operator. If A and B are operators on H, we define (A ff B)(f E g) = Af ff Bg. The set of all operators on H that commute with A is called the commutant of This algebra will be denoted by (A)'. The double commutant of A, designated {A}, is the algebra of all operators on H that commute with every member of (A }'. It is self evident that (A)' is abelian if and only if (A)' = (A A. A transformation Q on H is said to be a conjugation if Q2 = I and (Qf, Qg) = (g, f) for every f and g in H. Intuitively speaking, Q replaces each element of H by its conjugate with respect to the real subspace consisting of all fixed points of Q [3, p. 357]. If there is a conjugation Q such that A = QA*Q, we shall call A conjugate selfadjoint. The well-known Hankel operators [4] belong to this class. Received by the editors July 18, 1980 and, in revised form, January 12, 1981. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 47A05; Secondary 46J99.
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