The significance of context-based services is significantly increasing with the advancement of integrated technologies of sensors and ubiquitous technologies. The existing approaches are reviewed to find out that identification of user's activity has more scope of improvement. After reviewing the current literature towards context-based methodologies, it is found that existing methods are devoid of considering dynamic context; while the modelling perspective is mainly towards considering predefined and static contextual information. Further, existing models doesn't have any inclusion of potential belief system nor any incorporation of service matching. Further, practical world case-studies is characterized by complex activity of user while it is quite challenging to extract the accurate contextual information associated with complex user activity. From the practical deployment scenario, the existing system offers less supportability toward collaborative network, which is highly essential to be considered for constraint modelling for user activity detection. Therefore, the proposed manuscript contributes a solution towards existing research problems by introducing a Dynamic User Activity Prediction using Contextual Service Matching Mechanism. A mixed research methodology is used to prove how service matching mechanism is important in contextual service discovery using multimodal activity data. The first contributory solution towards addressing the research problem is by introducing a novel and simplified belief system that considers both static contextual parameters as well as dynamic activity-based contextual parameter. The second contributory solution towards existing problem is to develop a novel service matching module that takes the input from service reposit, user calendar events, and collaborative units for assisting in similarity-based recommendation system. The model considers Hidden Markov Model for activity determination considering states of activity. With a combined usage of user activity context, feature management, and collaborative model, the proposed system offers better granularity in investigating user activity. The experimental and simulation analysis of the proposed outcome shows the enhanced accuracy performance of proposed system under different test environment. The study also investigates the impact of the service matching mechanism as well as relevance feedback on the accuracy to find that the proposed system excels better accuracy.
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