This study analyzed 1,055 journal articles listed in the Korea Citation Index (KCI) published from 2000 to 2023 to identify the trends and characteristics of early years (0-5 years) curriculum research and suggest ideas for future research. The analysis subjects were selected based on the research title, keywords, and contents, and content analysis was conducted according to three categories: research paradigm, topic, and methodology. The results of the analysis showed that research on early years curriculum has been continuously increasing since 2000, and in terms of research paradigm, the transition from the ‘empirical-analytical’ to the ‘interpretive’ paradigm was identified. It was also found that research on the post-reconceptual perspective has been increasing before and after the implementation of the 2019 Nuri Curriculum. In terms of research topics, research was conducted the most in the order of ‘comparison and analysis’, ‘implementation and practice’, ‘recognition and understanding’, and ‘development and design’ of the curriculum. In terms of methodology, ‘literature and theory’ research was conducted the most, and quantitative and qualitative research accounted for a similar proportion. The analysis results suggest that future research on early years curriculum should increase research based on critical and post-reconceptual perspectives, research on curriculum philosophy and theory, and development of various alternative research methodologies.
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