The purpose of the study is to determine the content of β-glucans in grain raw materials at different stages of production of the Khakass national product talgan, made from sprouted grains of barley and oats. The object of the study is unvaried grain of barley and oats, grown in the conditions of Eastern Siberia of the Republic of Khakassia in 2019. The grain was purified from foreign impurities and germinated according to the method described in RF patent No. 2463809. First, the purified grain was washed under running water, then kept in high air humidity at room temperature for three days for oats, and two for barley until roots appear about 0.5 mm. Then the sprouted grain was dried and roasted at a temperature of 180 to 200 °C for 10–15 minutes, then crushed and sifted through a 0.9 mm mesh sieves. The result was a food grain product - talgan. At each stage of production, enzymatic measurement of β-glucan content was carried out in accordance with the well-known Megazyme AOAC Method 995.16 AACC Method 32-23. During grain germination, the content of β-glucans in barley decreased significantly (by 40%), and in oats - by 6%. The second stage of grain processing (roasting) had a negative effect on the concentration of these chemicals. The third stage (crushing and separation of films) had an insignificant effect on the content of β-glucans in both crops. In general, the decrease in the content of β-glucans in the final product talgan, which occurs when the grain raw material goes through all three stages of its processing, is about 50 % for barley, almost 25 % for oats. As a result of a two-factor analysis of variance of data on the content of β-glucans during the production of talgan, it was established that the technological stage had the greatest influence on the content of these substances (almost 68%), the contribution of the type of plant raw material was about 7 %, and the interaction of these factors was 25.5 %.
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