As a result of scientific and experimental research by modeling the cutting process as a controlled thermodynamic system, the essence of self-organizing new submicrostructures on thin contact surface layers of the tool is revealed. A technological method has been developed for the formation of an intercontact natural protective “white” layer.Investigated the formation mechanism of a “white” layer – a new composite material in the inter-contact space, plays the role of a protective coating, which is explained as a result of existing plastic deformations, normal and tangential stresses, high dislocation density and temperatures in thin surface layers of materials in contact pairs – a cutter-descending chip as well as diffusion of alloying elements W, V, Сr, Mo, Co and strengthening carbide and intermetallic particles WC, VC, MoC, (FeCo)7W6, (FeCo)7Mo6 in the intercontact formation, consisting of hindered strongly deformed, cold-worked, amorphized nanoparticles of the processed material from steel 45, attached to the roughness of the front contact surface of tools from high-speed steels R6M5 and B14M7K25.The “white” layer formed in the contact area of the front surface of the instrument plays the role of a heat insulator and a protective coating, preventing direct contact of the outflow of the material being processed with the tool.Experimentally has been established an additional reserve for increasing tool wear resistance by controlling the interaction of crystal lattices and self-organization in the contact space of friction pairs by new structure formations under the influence of normal and tangential stresses, temperatures, plastic deformations and diffusion with the creation of a naturally protective self-organizing “white” layer playing the role of a heat insulator and protective coatings.Determined the regularities of the formation for protective coatings stagnant and “white” layers in the intercontact space of friction pairs during the cutting process, and revealed the mechanism for creating intellectual coatings on the tool contact surfaces, which react to changes in thermodynamic characteristics and which can be used in the cutting process itself.A combined resource-saving technology has been developed to increase the microhardness, strength, wear resistance and service life of the tool from high-speed steels R6M5 and carbon-free high-speed alloys with intermetallic hardening with cutting tools of type В14М7К25 when machining steel 45.
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