Now a days, polluted environment, irregular routine, harmful and improper diet, such as excessive consumption of rich food, soft drinks, tea, coffee, excessive consumption of drugs (Smoking, Alcoholism, Tobacco etc.), day dreaming, night awakening and craving for more pleasures Human physical and mental abilities have greatly decreased, as a result of which diseases and stress surround the body and mind all the time. The special effect of geographical environment and food habits has also been seen on the origin of acidity disease. In Malvanchal's food and drink, foods made from gram flour, food items containing more chili- spices and rich food items are used in large quantities. The residents of this region who are used to eating sev made of gram flour, salty as well as other spicy things, are more likely to suffer from acidity due to the special food style. From the priceless treasure of Ayurveda, for the treatment of acidity, the best, easily accessible and low- cost "Abhaya Pippalyadi" Yoga from Bhaishajya Ratnavali with all the components of Abhaya Pippalyadi Yoga (Haritaki, Pippali, Draksha, Sita, Dhanyak, Yavasa) has Pitta virechana and Kostha suddhi effect and it can be inferred from the virtues of being madhura vipaka and Sheetavirya properties that it is a successful and cheap medicine for acidity. KEYWORDS: Amlapitta roga, Acidity, Abhaya Pippalyadi Yoga, Ayurveda.
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