Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the protection of transindividual rights according to the Consumer Defense Code, examining the protection of transindividual rights within the scope of the Consumer Defense Code, highlighting its relevance for the formation of a balanced consumer market and the stimulation of citizenship. Theoretical Framework: This study is based on theoretical foundations that deal with transindividual rights and their implementation within the scope of the Consumer Defense Code (CDC). The formation of this set of norms is strongly linked to the progress of consumer law as an independent legal discipline and to the progress of collective protection modalities in the Brazilian legal system. Method: The methodology adopted for this research comprises a bibliographic review on the main theme, using research directly related to the theme, with specific exclusion criteria. Results and Discussion: The results obtained revealed that it is necessary to protect transindividual rights by specific legislation, considering that the consumer is usually at a disadvantage in consumer relations and the objective is economic balance. These collective demands expand the possibilities of access to justice, as well as bring legal certainty and procedural savings. Research Implications: The practical and theoretical implications of this research are discussed, providing insights into how the results can be applied or influence practices in the field of consumer law. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by addressing a relevant topic.
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