The study aims to assess the situation of Polish organic farming compared to selected European countries. Due to the complexity of these issues, a holistic approach to the topic was used. The research methodology is based on data obtained from three main sources: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Central Statistical Office and literature studies. The results of the presented research indicate the development of the organic production sector in Poland, which is a positive phenomenon in the context of ensuring food security and promoting the culture of healthy food. Nevertheless, the analyzes conducted showed that Poland, although it has a significant area of organic products, has a small share of the area of these products in the total area of agricultural land, i.e. at the level of 3.5%, which is over 10 times smaller than the leader in this respect (Liechtenstein). Therefore, this result places Poland only at 27th position in the ranking compared to other European countries. At the same time, it indicates the need to promote organic farming practices in order to increase its importance in agricultural production in Poland. The analyzes conducted allow us to draw conclusions about the growing importance of agriculture and the organic market in Poland. The increase of expenses on organic food, trade, and involvement of producers and consumers in the organic sector is a promising trend, suggesting increased interest in and trust in organic products.