Solving the equation Pa(X):=Xq+1+X+a=0 over the finite field FQ, where Q=pn,q=pk and p is a prime, arises in many different contexts including finite geometry, the inverse Galois problem [2], the construction of difference sets with Singer parameters [8], determining cross-correlation between m-sequences [9,15] and the construction of error-correcting codes [5], as well as speeding up the index calculus method for computing discrete logarithms on finite fields [11,12] and on algebraic curves [18].Subsequently, in [3,13,14,6,4,16,7,19], the FQ-zeros of Pa(X) have been studied. It was shown in [3] that their number is 0, 1, 2 or pgcd(n,k)+1. Some criteria for the number of the FQ-zeros of Pa(x) were found in [13,14,6,16,19]. However, while the ultimate goal is to identify all the FQ-zeros, even in the case p=2, it was solved only under the condition gcd(n,k)=1[16].We discuss this equation without any restriction on p and gcd(n,k). Criteria for the number of the FQ-zeros of Pa(x) are proved by a new methodology. For the cases of one or two FQ-zeros, we provide explicit expressions for these rational zeros in terms of a. For the case of pgcd(n,k)+1 rational zeros, we provide a parametrization of such a's and express the pgcd(n,k)+1 rational zeros by using that parametrization.
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