This paper aims to explain the development of the copula function of wei 为and to show that wei in the “wei V” construction is a copula during pre-Han times, rather than a passive marker. Therefore, in essence, the “wei V” construction is a copula construction rather than a passive construction. In this analysis, we pay special attention to the “yi 以X wei 为Y” construction and draw the following conclusions: (1) the generalized copula function of wei derives from the “yi X wei Y” construction because of the disposal function of yi, and because wei absorbed the characteristics of the “yi X wei Y” construction. This conclusion is based on the observation that the unique features of wei as a copula are congruent with its function in the “yi X wei Y” construction, and that the change from “V yi wei” to “V wei” indicates that wei replaced “yi wei” to a certain degree. (2) “X wei V” is an alternative pattern of “yi X wei V” when a causer (C) does not appear in the same clause with wei. These observations are supported by the fact that “yi X wei V” and “X wei V” have the same (low) frequency, and are both very limited in their semantic range, and that their exchangeability does not have any influence on their semantics. (3) “Wei A V” is formed through the omission of yi in the “yi X wei A V” or, alternatively, through the addition of the agent A in “wei V”, whereas “wei A (zhi) suo V” is the consequence of “A (zhi) suo V” replacing “A V” in “wei A V”. Therefore, none of the wei constructions in pre-Qin should be regarded as syntactically functioning as passive constructions. Rather, “wei A suo V” became a common passive construction only in the Han Dynasty.