The aim of this research is to obtain an overview of improving essay-writing skills through implementing knowledge sharing in the genre pedagogy approach (Genre Based Approach) in The Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program at higher education. The research design uses quantitative methods (pretest posttest design) and qualitative data in the form of student responses to applied knowledge sharing. The research sample consisted of 20 students who took part in writing lessons. The data obtained is in the form of essay texts based on the stages of guided construction, independent construction in the form of average scores on the pretest and posttest. The results of the research are test scores with an average of 75.1 and at posttest 85.3. The results of the second research are the percentage of responses via Google Form (as a form of implementation of the socialization of 'tacit knowledge' to externalization' resulting in construction products, both joint and independent construction. Through the application of knowledge sharing and genre pedagogy, it appears that the student response is that knowledge sharing can stimulate critical thinking, sharing knowledge creates learning outcomes products, accommodating the implementation of joint construction as part of the genre-based approach stage, with a high response.