The term ‘distance estimate’ for state constrained control systems refers to an estimate on the distance of an arbitrary state trajectory from the subset of state trajectories that satisfy a given state constraint. Distance estimates have found widespread application in state constrained optimal control. They have been used to establish regularity properties of the value function, to establish the non-degeneracy of first order conditions of optimality, and to validate the characterization of the value function as a unique solution of the HJB equation. The most extensively applied estimates of this nature are so-called linear \(L^\infty \) distance estimates. The earliest estimates of this nature were derived under hypotheses that required the multifunctions, or controlled differential equations, describing the dynamic constraint, to be locally Lipschitz continuous w.r.t. the time variable. Recently, it has been shown that the Lipschitz continuity hypothesis can be weakened to a one-sided absolute continuity hypothesis. This paper provides new, less restrictive, hypotheses on the time-dependence of the dynamic constraint, under which linear \(L^{\infty }\) estimates are valid. Here, one-sided absolute continuity is replaced by the requirement of one-sided bounded variation. This refinement of hypotheses is significant because it makes possible the application of analytical techniques based on distance estimates to important, new classes of discontinuous systems including some hybrid control systems. A number of examples are investigated showing that, for control systems that do not have bounded variation w.r.t. time, the desired estimates are not in general valid, and thereby illustrating the important role of the bounded variation hypothesis in distance estimate analysis.
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