One is about a transversal descriptive inquiry in the characterize causes of morbidade and mortality between adolescents taken care of in the urgency and emergency service of a public hospital. The collection of data was carried through the attendance fiches, in the January, February and March months of 2003, totalizing 2722. The population consisted of adolescents of 10 the 19 years of age, residents in the city. The morbi-mortality causes had been classified in accordance with the International Classification of Desease (CID-10). More than the half of the taken care is for the feminine population (54.1%). The predominant causes of morbidade had been the infectious and parasitic illnesses in the feminine sex (26.5%) and injuries and poisoning and some other consequences of external causes in the masculine sex (30.5%). The month of bigger attendance was March (38.4%). The period of the night was of bigger prevalence (37.6%). The medical clinic took care of 63.9% of the adolescents. They had received high, 84.6% of the cases and had not been detected deaths. The results contribute for the aiming of writ of prevention public politics the specific action, of control and reduction of the main causes of morbidade that take the adolescent population to look the service of ready aid.
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