Can physics, in particular biophysics, refute religion? The answer to this question would be yes if physics were almighty. Actually the answer is no, since parapsychology comes to the aid of religion by showing that physical laws, though extremely important, are not all-powerful. Stronger still, while in Galileo's time religion was hostile to astronomy because it felt it as a menace, modern astronomy and general relativity present a strong argument in favour of religion, and even a convincing argument for the existence of an unseen world. This is the main subject of the paper. The chief religions in their original form have the following elements in common: a Supreme Being the Creator, a world of spirits or souls (the occult or hidden world), a hereafter and communication between man and this invisible world. The concept of parallelism of body and soul, assuming the body entirely governed by physical laws, denies all these elements; the concept of dualism with interaction makes them possible. The well-established paranormal phenomenon of telepathy disproves parallelism and its atheistic argument and favours dualism by proving that the soul can exert non-physical forces on the material of the body. Communication between man and occult souls may either be assumed direct from soul to soul or indirect by “ brain writing” and “ brain reading”. In the expanding Universe there finally can be no organisms and, if conscious reality (which philosophically is the only certain reality) is to go on, one must have souls that can exist independently of any organism, in other words an occult world. In the pulsating Universe, as the other possibility, nuclear energy that provides radiation of the stars is gradually used up. From this it follows that, prior to a certain instant, there is either the physical impossibility, “more than 100% hydrogen”, or (if there is regeneration of helium into hydrogen at the compression to high density at the end of every pulsation) there is the physical impossibility, “less than no radiation”. Both call for a drastic non-physical intervention: the physical laws are inadequate and so the action from an occult world is called for. The most radical way out on the basis of Berkeley's philosophy is briefly outlined: it is postulated that all of reality consists of souls that consciously experience and act; and our world of space and time is due to the Supreme Soul giving us the required “outer world” experiences by direct communication from soul to soul. Thus our own world or any other might be “created” simply by such communication. Father Teilhard's book The Phenomenon of Man and Bishop Robinson's Honest to God are briefly considered in this connection. It is pointed out that Teilhard has not been consistent and that, in our view, a supernatural or occult world as well as “God as a Person” is acceptable, both of which Robinson has denied. Our use of the second law of thermodynamics (for the using up of nuclear energy) is to be considered from a more refined and more satisfactory standpoint in a subsequent paper “Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and the Universe”.