The article tries to restore interest in the concept of economy morphology in academic community that was put forward at the Faculty of Economics in the Moscow University in 2004. It was a scientific hypothesis explaining evolutional features of transformations by analyzing internal structural changes. The authors use the term ‘economy morphology’ that gives an opportunity to specify the development of Russian economy both within the period being investigated and the current one. Comparative analysis of economic evolution styles in Europe-Asia economy systems from ancient times to the early 20th century allows us to advance an assumption about multi-variability of development demonstrated and proved in economic morphemes. Conceptual description of economic forms present in Russia was provided by examples given in the Domostroy and in works by I.V. Pososhkov and V.N. Tatischev, the founders of the Russian school of economics. The authors pay special attention to dubious foundation forming Russian economy morphology and affecting all stages of modernization processes in Russia. The importance of spirituality is highlighted that provides internal stability to any economic modification. It was underlined that this approach gives a chance to substantiate historic peculiarity of the Russian economic system that became evident in the process of modernization restructuring in the 19th – early 20th century. The authors came to the conclusion that morpheme approach is necessary to understand both the previous way of development and the current standing of Russian economy, prospects of its progress in conditions of global transformation of economic relations.
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