1 In studies from Europe and USA only 5%-11% of patients with CLL are younger than 50-55 years at diagnosis. 2,3 However, in view of the high incidence (4-5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants/year) and prevalence of CLL in Western countries, the absolute number of young patients with CLL is significant. Good knowledge of the factors asso - ciated with disease evolution and outcome of such patients is needed in order to be able to provide these patients appro - priate management. Our knowledge of the clinical picture and behavior of CLL diagnosed at a young age does, howev - er, come from studies conducted in the late 1980s 4,5 and 1990s, 6-9 a time when most biomarkers currently analyzed in CLL patients had not yet been discovered, 10-13 therapy was still based on alkylating agents, 14 and the role of allogeneic stem cell transplantation was not well established. 15 and should be confirmed in further studies. Additionally, young CLL patients more frequently had sever- al adverse biological features such as unmutated IGHV (54% versus 45%), positivity for ZAP-70 (45% versus 38%), and higher values of clonal B cells. In contrast, young CLL patients had significantly higher values of hemoglobin, although this difference was clinically non-relevant, lower values of beta2-microglobulin, lower expression of CD49d, and better performance status. Finally, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) risk category and CD38 expression by CLL cells did not differ according to age. The paradox of hav - ing simultaneously favorable and adverse risk features deserves further confirmation, even though some of these results could be associated with age-related factors (e.g. the lower incidence of renal failure in young patients would result in lower beta2-microglobulin concentration despite having a higher tumor burden). The higher frequency of intermediate Rai stages and of unmutated IGHV in young CLL patients was maintained when the analysis was restrict - ed to local patients and when the patients were subdivided further by age ( ≤45, 46 to 50, and 51 to 55 years old). In keep - ing with this, the time to first treatment was shorter in younger patients. It could be argued that physicians looking after older (slow go 18 ) patients may delay treatment initia - tion due to co-morbidities, impaired performance status or patients' desire. However, a multivariate analysis confirmed that Rai stage and IGHV mutation status rather than age accounted for this difference in time to first treatment. In summary, younger patients with CLL followed up at the Mayo Clinic had a significantly more aggressive and advanced disease at diagnosis and, importantly, this was not due to referral bias. The long period of analysis and the observational nature of this study resulted in heterogeneity in the treatment given to patients. Moreover, young CLL patients were more likely than older patients to receive chemoimmunotherapy or purine analogs in monotherapy or in combination. Although the causes of the differential treatment applied to both groups of patients were not explored, the better performance status and the use of a treatment approach with curative intent in the subgroup of young patients could underlie the difference. In fact, the proportion of patients submitted to allogeneic transplantation was 14%, 5% and 1% for patients ≤45, 46 to 55, and >55 years old, respectively. Unfortunately, the authors did not provide information on response to treat - ment and outcome after treatment in these subgroups of young patients. CLL patients ≤55 years old at diagnosis had a longer overall survival than older patients (12.5 years versus 9.5 years), even if the comparison was restricted to patients 56 to 65 year old. At the same time, no differences in overall survival were observed among age subgroups of young patients. As differ- ent treatment modalities were given according to age sub - groups, an analysis of their impact on overall survival could have helped in the interpretation of the results. More impor- tantly, the median overall survival of young CLL patients reported in this series was very similar to the median overall survival observed in some historical studies. 6,9